Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Social Networking: A Time Saving Trick

As an entrepreneur we all know the importance of building our brand.  To do so, we use social networking platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn  Instagram, etc. etc. Who has the time to keep up with all of this stuff? But we have to. We love our customers/clients and we have to stay engaged.  So we share with our customers daily using these platforms.  But what do you share? Where do you get the information from?

This week, I discovered a cool trick.  I know it is not a tangible trick. However, in my life sitting in front of a computer for 7 or so hours daily, my tricks are usually something that saves me time online.

In this case, I discovered a website called Newsblur.  With Newsblur, I found that I could automatically link my RSS feeds in one place.  Yes, I know Google Reader does the same; but it is my understanding that Google Reader will soon be phased out.  With Newsblur I can get all of the news on any topic that I find may be of interest to myself and my clients, customers, followers.

Needless to say, I am so happy to use this site.  I no longer have to go all over the place to find something to share.  I am on there for 5-10 minutes in the AM hours and I know without a doubt that I will add value to someone today just because of the time I spent.

Try something new and different today like Newsblur.  Don't be afraid to change how you do things, to shake up your routine, to disrupt the status quo. 

What have you found that saves you time and helps others.   Share in the comment area below.

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