Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Day in my Life: A Mompreneur

As you would expect, my life is hectic, very hectic. I almost feel as though I have little or no down time. The old cliche, that time is your most precious commodity, is doubly significant for me. As an entrepreneur and a mother, I schedule everything. Yet, most times things occur that are uncontrollable. My typical day is as follows:

1. 04:30 AM, wake up, pray, and plan my day;
2. 05:00 - 06:00 AM, reconcile business accounts, check emails and do routine business tasks
3. 06:00 - 08:30 AM, wake kids, prepare breakfast and lunch, get kids ready for school, transport them to school, etc. etc., part of this time is spent doing morning devotion and at times morning tutoring sessions
4. 08:30 - 10:00 AM, exercise, glamorize, :)
5. 10:00 - 02:00 PM, work on projects for the business, meetings, etc.
6. 02:00 - 08:00 PM, mostly about the kids, after school activities, projects, homework, dinner, etc. etc., but also a continuation of business projects
7. 08:00 - 10:00 PM, evening chores and planning for the next day.

It all seems basic. But trust me there is a lot of sweat and tears that go into the day in the life of any mompreneur. When work is your business, it never ends. You can't turn it off. You are working when you are cooking dinner and an employee calls or when you are helping with homework and an idea for your business pops into your head and you have to stop to jot things down.

How do you handle it all? What is most important is like Stephen Covey suggests in his seminal work "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People," you have to take time to "sharpen the saw," which means, focus on yourself, literally, take care of yourself. Take time to exercise, eat well, sleep well, etc. etc. Only when you are at your optimum can you give to others.

I have to remind myself of this daily because to tell you the truth there are many days when I don't remember that I am a critical part of the equation. Yes, many days when I am not a part of my own schedule. When this happens I feel exhausted, frustrated and stressed.

So let's learn from each other and create time strictly dedicated to sharpening the saw.  Put yourself in the equation. Take a day to pamper yourself and consistently keep this appointment with yourself. You will be a more happy parent and a more creative entrepreneur.  You will be a beautiful, creative, thoughtful, business savvy,  Mompreneur.  Life is Good.

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